Industry News
Aluminum Hot Rolling Mill
Author : hani Time : 2019/08/09There are four basic types of aluminum hot rolling mill: single stand single coiling, single stand double coiling, “1 + 1” double stand double coiling, Hot Roughing rolling + hot finishing continuous rolling. The configuration of the latter is “1 + 3”, “1 + 4” or “1 + 5”, and the representative is “1 + 4”.
Single Stand Single Coiling Aluminum Hot Rolling Mill
The rolling process is carried out on a reversible rolling mill, and the ingot is coiled after reciprocating rolling. The minimum thickness is 7 mm, and the production capacity can reach 150,000 tons per year. Its characteristics are that hot roughing and hot finishing mills share a rolling mill, and the equipment investment is small. This kind of rolling mill has low installed level, low quality of rolled strip, and low weight of ingot, generally 1 – 3 tons.
Single Stand Double Coiling Aluminum Hot Rolling Mill
Rough rolling is carried out on a reversible rolling mill with a thickness of 18-25 mm. After double-coiling reversible finishing rolling, the minimum rolling thickness is 2.5 mm, and the production capacity can reach 150,000 tons per year. This method is better than single stand and single coiling, but due to continuous uncoiling and coiling in reversible rolling, the surface quality of strip is not high, and the top setting and practical operation requirements of the rolling process are very experienced.
- The selection of rolls should not only consider the reduction of hot roughing, but also the maximum thickness of ingot.
- Cleaning effect must satisfy the surface quality requirement of work roll in the whole rolling process to ensure the surface quality of the strip.
- Cooling spray, emulsion quality, and centralized lubrication must be suitable for Hot Roughing and hot finishing to meet the requirements of the first few times and the surface quality of the final products.
- The structure design of coiler must be suitable for tension control in the rolling process. During reversible rolling, the surface quality of the strip must not be damaged.