Submerged Electric Arc Furnace
Author : hani Time : 2017/07/17As the Submerged Electric Arc Furnace manufacturer, we are equipped with a famous factory and plant and engineers with decades experience, as well as providing with Electric Arc Furnace, Induction Furnace, CCM Machine, TMT Re-bar Mill, Wire Rod Mill, Finishing Mill, Reversible Rolling mill, Cold Rolling Mill, Section Rolling Mill, etc.for sale, welcome to visit and check the process and layout with Xi’an Hani Tech Co., Ltd.
Submerged electric arc furnace will be mainly applied for reduction of metallurgical ore to produce the FeSi, FeMg, FeCr, Ferrotungsten, SiMg, and Titanium slag alloy, which will be the important material for metallurgical and chemical industries.
For submerged electric arc furnaces, the lining will be made of carbon or magnesia refractory material. The electrode is s elf-baking. The electrode will be inserted into the charging material.
The material will be molten by arc and current. The charging material will be continuously adding. The tapping will be the batch type. It is a continuous operation industry furnace.
Submerged electric arc furnace will tend to bigger, automatically, sealed, environmental protection and energy saving. We have the ability to designing, manufacturing, erection, and commissioning of submerged arc furnaces, up to 33000KVA for FeMn , FeSi, and FeCr alloy; refining furnaces from 3500KVA to 9000KVA; DC furnace 7000KVA; Industry FeSi furnace 25000KVA; Calcium carbide furnace 45000KVA and FeSiAl furnace 36000KVA. The equipment has already approached the level of international.