Company News
VibSCAN Online Rolling Mill Unit Monitering System Solution
Author : hani Time : 2018/01/24The rolling mill unit monitoring program was designed and installed for single high speed wire rod line with 600,000 tons tpy in Han Steel Co., Ltd. Based on the comprehensive equipment conditions, key levels and equipment failure rates, the finishing rolling mill unit, sizing mill and laying head was selected as the main monitoring object.
Since vibration is the most effective monitoring method, the on-line monitoring system was installed on rotating equipment, collecting real-time equipment vibration data. Under the help of vibration trend chart, time-domain waveform, frequency domain waveform, real-time alarm and gPK envelope demodulation, we can effectively monitor the running state of bearing, gear, coupling, roller, shaft and the key equipment of high-speed wire rod mills. When there is some trouble or failure, the system will alarm in advance, preventing the loss caused by a sudden stop, providing the main basis for maintenance, protecting the safety of rolling equipment and stable operation.
VibSCAN field digital acquisition module is an intelligent field data acquisition station with a high-performance microprocessor as the core. It is responsible for signal conditioning, acquisition, analysis, and data transmission.VibSCAN system provides the RS-485 bus transfer rate of 38400bps.
Because the bearings bear the load of the machine, many typical mechanical problems such as unbalance, misalignment, looseness will transmit vibration signals to the bearings. Therefore, we can find the typical mechanical failure and bearing defects by monitoring the vibration of the bearing.
By carrying out on-line monitoring and fault diagnosis of key equipment in the high-speed wire rod rolling mill unit, the real-time status of the operation of the rolling mill unit can be transmitted to the relevant equipment managers so as to be in control of the operation trend of the equipment at any time. Meanwhile, we can effectively solve such problems as missed inspection and difficult to inspect due to high temperature, shelter, bad environment.