Industry News
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Blast Furnace?
Author : hani Time : 2019/12/02What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Blast Furnace?
Blast Furnace Ironmaking Advantages:
1. Continuous feeding, continuous tapping, suitable for large-scale continuous production;
2. Low power requirements;
3. The product is further processed (continuous casting and rolling) with good performance.
4. Mature technology and low production cost.
5. High efficiency.
Blast Furnace Disadvantages:
1. Blast furnace ironmaking is inseparable from the coke source, but the coke resources are getting less and less, but the price is getting higher and higher, the cost of iron making will be higher and higher, and it is likely that one day will meet the depletion of coke resources.
2. The blast furnace ironmaking damages the environment very much.
3. The production process of blast furnace ironmaking is long.
4. High energy consumption rate.